Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Week of School

I'm officially back in school!  

I may not have felt prepared for school to start, but at least I looked prepared with my Cat in the Hat fingernails. :)

Day 1:  

The morning is always rough when parents linger around the back of the classroom watching you.  It's difficult to get the attention of little firsties when they are excited about their first day of school as their supplies come flying out of their backpacks in no particular order.  However, it makes it much more difficult for the kids to focus only on me, when there are tons of other adults in the classroom!  I forgot how long it takes to do the simplest things with the younger kids.

After settling in and going over a few procedures, such as the bathrooms.... I read the story "David Goes to School" by David Shannon.

Thanks to Angie at Fall Into First for her FREE activity to go along with this story.  It's a great way discuss school and classroom rules. I wasn't sure what to expect with their following directions and cutting skills.  They did a pretty good job.  Here is an example of one.

I was hoping to hand them up, but they wanted to take them home SO badly.  I figured it might be a good idea for them to take home and share with their parents and discuss the rules they learned. 

Day 2:

Today went much more smoothly.  The kids came in (minus the parents, YAY) and followed the routine from yesterday.  They were much more quiet and calm.  After going over some more routines and procedures, I read aloud "You're Finally Here" by Melanie Watt.  

Another thanks to Swimming Into Second for her "Back to School with Books" pack at TpT, for creating this activity.  These also turned out cute and the kids really enjoyed creating them as much as they loved the story.  They couldn't stop giggling while I read it.  

Day 3:

Today the kids were a bit more loud at the beginning of the day.  We had to do a lot of review of our behavior clip chart.  I used to have a card system for behavior where they start out with a green card for excellent behavior.  The kids would have to change their cards for not following directions.  They weren't alloud to change their card back to green on the same day they change it.  My new clip chart has been working AWESOME.  Kids are able to move back up the chart now!  For example, one boy in my class does NOT want to lose recess and really does NOT want his parents called.  He had to move down the chart today and immediately asked, "how do I move back up?"  I wish I would have found this chart much sooner!  The same boy immediately corrected his behavior because he had an opportunity to move back up.

A very special thanks to 3rd Grade's A Hoot for the FREE download of this chart.  Also, to First Grade Glitter and Giggles for the FREE Clip Hall of Fame picture.


I'm feeling pretty excited about this year.  So far, I LOVE my new school and my kids.

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